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Healing Your Core Wound

Writer's picture: Dr. Markesha MillerDr. Markesha Miller

Who you are and how you behave is affected by your core wound. Our core wound steers the ship including addictions, troubling emotions, and achievements. Ongoing frustrations and negative self-talk are reflections of how at early stages of development we became separate from love. Fear shows up in the repetitive ways you contract your body, mind, and emotions, these feelings are often driven by feelings of enoughness.

A core trauma, or wound, sets in motion limiting beliefs and creates disconnection from your most primal and instinctual self. This results in protective behavior that can keep you from accessing your deepest strengths and gifts.

It is normal to have a blind spot when dealing with trauma but when you embark on a healing journey addressing the core wound can help you to navigate difficulties you frequently experience in life and relationships.

Wounds or trauma inflicted on you during childhood are often suppressed as defense mechanisms. These core wounds often start with fear of abandonment, and the primal need to bond. The real problem starts when these childhood defense mechanisms are taken into adulthood.

If there was physical or emotional abuse oftentimes not feeling loved enough becomes a theme in life. There are two habits that are displayed as a result of this core wound. Some people create habits around bonding with people who are emotionally unavailable or abusive; some people become overly confrontational.

How to Heal Your Core Wound

Recognition is the first step towards healing. Recognition requires acceptance. You must fully acknowledge the truth about your hurt. If you do not acknowledge your experience the truth will continue to have power over you. Full acknowledgment and externalizing your experience are requirements for transcendence.

What difficulties do you frequently experience, especially in your relationships? Using a journal to keep track of your challenges is a great way to notice patterns.

It is equally as important to imagine yourself free of these conditions, and to write your ideal story. If there were no emotional wounds, what would your life look like? What would it feel like to take a risk knowing you could be rejected? It would certainly encourage intimacy with fear.

You can also narrate the actions you can take to heal and better deal with the moments you are tested, one day these actions can come off the paper. These are your ideas which indicates they coincide with your pain and do not have to dictate the quality of your life.

If you deal with feelings of abandonment perhaps it is time to write a letter to your object of abandonment This letter should express your fear, anger, frustration, rejection, or sadness. It is also vital to experience your feelings of grief. Do not deny yourself any part of your experience.

Sit and imagine the part of you that is compassionate and healthy, this is where healing begins.



© 2020 by Markesha Miller, Ph.D. 

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